2011년 9월 20일 화요일

Kimchi Pork Fried Rice

This is one of the common Korean foods called "Kimchi Pork Fried Rice".
Why is it common?
Because it's really easy to make!

If you love spicy food, I bet you will love this food. :)

* Ingredients (2 Portions) *
pork belly (2 slices), a handful of Kimchi, 4 scoops of rice,
1 teaspoon of cooking oil, salt, pepper

How do you make it?

1. Fry pork belly on a hot pan with pepper.
The point of this food is
to use the oil from the pork when you fry Kimchi and rice,
so it is more delicious!

 2. When the pork is done, put the Kimchi on the pan and fry them together.
You should cut the Kimchi before you fry it so that it's easy to eat.
If there isn't enough oil from the pork, put 1 teaspoon of oil in it.

3. You don't need to fry the Kimchi for a long time.
(I usually fry Kimchi for 10 minutes.)

4. If it is done, put the properly cooked rice with it, and fry it
until the rice, Kimchi, and pork mix well.
I know the Kimchi you can get here in the States is not salty enough,
so if you want to add more salt, you can do that.
Also, in my case, since I love spicy food, I add a little bit more red pepper powder.
(All the Kimchi that I can get here is not spicy at all!)

5. All you need to do for now is EAT, EAT, and EAT!

댓글 1개:

  1. Oh I will definitely be trying these two recipes! I LOVE korean food. My neighbor taught me how to make kim chee AND bi bim guk soo (i donʻt know if Iʻm spelling it right!) but they were both YUMMY!!
